

Not in that Night

Whose Particulars knock at

Thy Doctrine’s Door.

Preacher of the Unnatural,

Teacher of Hypocrisy.


Shall not predict

What lies in the Slumber.

Thy Heart

Feels What wanders Here,

Thy Soul

Knows not What stalks

Beneath the Closing of thine Eyes.

I command thee not:

Fall asleep if thou wilt,

But will thine Eyes open once again

After meeting What lies Beyond?


Shall not play Demise

Since she whores around anyway.

Fall asleep and I will catch thee with

A Kiss upon thine Lips.

Awaken -

I invoke thee to arise

From thy Slumber.

Forget What dwells in

The Land of Slumber.

Shower my Body

With Passion -

Let us grip one another

In Indulgence of sexual Activity.


Sleep well, my prince:

May Grains of Sand bury

Thee to thy Rest,

As I place kisséd Flowers

Upon thy still Body.



Fall into the Darkness . . .